Walking & Hiking on the Matakana Coast

Walk the Matakana Coast

Awe inspiring views and a rich abundance of native wildlife make any walk in the Matakana Coast a feast for the senses. Whether you’re looking for a sedate Sunday stroll or you’re keen to get your heart rate up, you’ll find a walk to suit every level of fitness and ability.
Here are some of our favourite walks in the Matakana region.

Great family walks

Ti Point Coastal Walk – 2 hours return

This gentle, sheltered walk along the southern coastline of Ti Point peninsula is popular with young families. You’ll pass through native bush, sandy beaches and rocky coves with lovely views of Omaha, Tāwharanui and Hauturu Little Barrier.

At the end of the track lies grassy Ti Point Scenic Reserve, a perfect picnic spot with great snorkelling for confident swimmers when the seas are calm.

The track begins at the car park at the end of Ti Point Road, by a picturesque wharf and popular fishing spot. Dogs are welcome but must be kept on lead to protect the kororā (little blue penguins) that nest along the shoreline and keep your eye out for visiting Sea Lions who sunbath on the rocks.  The path is well maintained, but in wet weather it can be slippery in places. Watch out for tree roots.

Walking at Ti Point on the Matakana Coast

Matheson’s Bay Track – 40 minute loop

From Matheson Bay beach, follow the west side of the Kohuroa Stream across the grassy reserve, to find the start of the track. The trail climbs gently through native bush rich with flora and fauna including kauri, rimu and pōhutukawa trees, native ferns and nikau palms, and darting birdlife such as kōtare (kingfisher), kākā (the north island’s native parrot), kererū (wood pigeon) and riroriro (grey warbler).

Take your swimming togs to enjoy the deep bathing pool part way up the track, complete with rope swing for adventurous swimmers.

The track is well maintained with stairs over the steeper sections. At the end of the track you’ll emerge onto Leigh Road, where you can either turn round and return through the bush, or following Matheson Bay Road and complete the loop down to the beach.


Matakana to Omaha or Point Wells Walkway & Cycleway – 7 km

This walkway and cycleway is a community initiative linking the coastal settlements of Omaha and Point Wells with the vibrant village of Matakana. You can pick up the trail at numerous points en route and there are plenty of places to stop for a coffee, an ice cream, a wine tasting or fish and chips.

Starting at Goose Cafe in Matakana Village, cross the wooden footbridge overlooking the waterfall then turn right across the fields to Tongue Farm Road. Here you’ll find the first terracotta wayfinder column engraved with the trail map and local topography, made by the talented artisans at the neighbouring Morris & James Pottery. Pop in for a coffee or the free daily tour.

Continue along Tongue Farm Road until you see a wayfinder column on your left, and follow the trail to the top of the hill. Cross over Whitmore Road and continue along the side of Takatu Rd. At trail’s end, cross over the road for your next wayfinder, with a bench seat and spectacular views across the orchards to Ti Point, Omaha Beach and Little Barrier.

The short gravel descent is steep and even experienced cyclists may need to dismount and descend with caution. At the bottom of the hill, the trail descends gently through eucalyptus trees to Jones Road, where you can pop into OOB for a real fruit ice cream in the summer.

At the north end of Jones road you have a choice: turn right to cross the causeway for Omaha Beach, or go straight ahead through farmland to Point Wells for tidal swimming.
The trail follows a mix of gravel pathways and rural roads, so is not suitable for wheelchairs or small children on bicycles. Confident younger children may be able to cycle the section between Point Wells and Omaha, but will need close parental supervision as sections of the trail run alongside busy roads. All riders should exercise caution on the ascent and descent to Takatu Road.

Omaha Beach

With white sands stretching four kilometres Omaha Beach is a popular destination for a morning or evening stroll.

Wander over the sands, or follow the footpath that rises and falls behind the dunes skirting stunning architecturally-designed homes, with stunning views to Hauturu Little Barrier and beyond. The path runs from the Surf Club car park to the southern end of the beach and is safely shared by walkers, dogs and cyclists.

Along the way you’ll pass five pouwhenua handcarved by local iwi. Each sculpture represents a sacred guardian: Omaha for the abundance of food and for the people past and present; Kewai for the freshwater ecosystems; Tangaroa, god of the ocean; Kaitiaki Tapu the guardian of all sacred sites and taonga; and Matariki for the group of stars also known as the Seven Sisters.

At the southern end of the beach, you can walk around the rocks at low tide to secluded Pink Beach, a popular picnic spot. Or stay on the footpath as it curves inland and to the left of the tennis courts, where you’ll find a tranquil pond teeming with bird life. Energetic walkers can continue around to the Quarry Loop, with more than 130 steps and views as far as Great Barrier and the northern tip of the Coromandel Peninsula on a clear day.

At the northern end of Omaha Beach, a dotterel reserve is tucked away behind an impressive, community organised, predator-proof fence. Quiet, careful visitors might catch a glimpse of some of the world’s rarest birds. No dogs allowed, remember to give the birds plenty of space.

Pouwhenua Omaha Beach


With white sand beaches, rolling pasture and lush native forest, Tāwharanui Regional Park is undoubtedly one of the jewels of the Matakana Coast. The 588-hectare park is New Zealand’s first integrated open sanctuary and has walks to suit most ages and abilities.

From the Anchor Bay car park, the Mangatawhiri Walk offers a 20-minute ramble through regenerating wetland – an excellent way to glimpse wildlife.

At the east end of Anchor Bay, you’ll find the Sanctuary Hut where you can learn about the wildlife and the park. Then head out on the 4-kilometre Ecology Trail through wetlands and atmospheric native bush, over grassy hilltops and along the ocean’s edge. An astonishing array of native wildlife can be found in these habitats – from kōura (freshwater crayfish) and manaaki tuna (longfin eels) in the streams, to kākā, pāteke, ruru, kererū, korimako (bellbird), tīeke (saddleback) and even endangered takahē and kiwi. The Ecology Trail is for most levels of ability (including young children) but there are plenty of steps, some hills and a few rocky outcrops to climb around.

For robust walkers there are two 4-hour tracks. Māori Bay coastal track is mainly flat but needs to be tackled at low tide to safely access the 7-km path on the southern shoreline.

Energetic hikers (and mountain bikers) can tackle the North / South Coastal tracks. Follow white, wooden markers from either Anchor Bay or the lagoon near the park entrance, to loop around the eastern branch of the peninsula. Take the detour out to Tokatū Point, the most eastern tip, for glorious views of neighbouring islands and perhaps a glimpse of dolphins.

The sanctuary is protected by a predator-proof fence and dedicated community volunteers, so remember to leave your dog at home.


Kids @ Tawharanui Regional Park

Leigh Harbour Trail – 1 hour return

Starting from Leigh Harbour boat ramp, walk along the rocky foreshore. You will climb steps to the head of the harbour, cross two pedestrian bridges and follow a boardwalk to get to the shade of the bush track. Continue on the trail or take a side path up and over the hill through a stand of kauri trees. Both paths reconverge ahead of a sandy beach, perfect for a refreshing dip before you return the way you came.

Take extra care on the bush track – in places it is narrow with a steep drop. The first part of the track may be underwater at high tide; alternative access is available from Ferndale Avenue. Dogs allowed on leash.

Goat Island Walkway – 3km, 2 hours return

Leave your car in the main Goat Island car park and follow the driveway to the University of Auckland’s Marine Laboratory, where the start of the walking track is well signposted on the right hand side.

The gravel walkway runs behind the Marine Lab to the cliff-top where you can enjoy views over Goat Island and Pakiri beyond. The track winds downwards into coastal broadleaf forest and ends at Tabletop Reef – where more remarkable views of the Hauraki Gulf stretch out to Hauturu Little Barrier and the Hen and Chicks islands.

On your way back, pop into the visitors’ centre where kids will enjoy the exhibits and touch tanks or hire snorkelling gear down on the beach and marvel at the diverse sea life of New Zealand’s oldest marine reserve.

Pakiri Beach

The untouched, sandy wilds of Pakiri Beach stretch for more than 9 kilometres, bordered by crashing surf and sand dunes. You can cross the river on the beach and walk all the way north to Forestry and Te Arai beaches, or head to the southern end to search for tiny marine life in the rock pools under the cliffs. Sea birds abound – look out for tākapu (gannets), tūturwhatu (dotterels), tōrea (oystercatchers) and rāpunga (black backed gulls).

Leave your pets at home as this stretch of coastline is home to a handful of New Zealand’s most endangered endemic bird, the tara iti (fairy tern). The tide is very strong so swimming is not recommended – the estuary’s shallows, however, are an excellent habitat for paddling about, especially for younger visitors.

Mahurangi West – 30 minutes to 3 hours

This Mahurangi Regional Park has several beautiful walks to suit all abilities, ranging from 30 minutes to 3 hours – there’s even an orienteering course! Three beaches line the coast of Mahurangi West and the walks wind through the area’s epic scenery, allowing you to savour some of the most breathtaking views in the region.

The Te Muri Track takes about 2 hours and is roughly 6km long. Leave your car in the upper carpark at the park’s entrance, and follow the path down to the Te Muri estuary – where you can cross at low tide. Across the estuary there is an historic cemetery as well as lovely Te Muri beach, accessible only by boat or on foot.

Mt Tamahunga Walk – 2.5km, 90 minutes to the summit

The climb to the summit of Mt Tamahunga requires a good level of fitness and stout walking boots, but you’ll be rewarded by the deep tranquility of native bush and peeks of a distant Omaha Bay to the east.

To access the track, drive past Matakana Village to Omaha Valley Road and at 1km look for the car park. The track heads almost immediately upwards crossing undulating farmland and sometimes passing curious cattle, to reach the bushline. Adventurous children will enjoy the well maintained bush track, although you may need to embrace muddy patches and scramble over a few steep spots.

Once at the summit you can either return the way you came, or continue your hike north to Rodney Road for sweeping coastal views (2 hours), or west along a section of the Te Araroa trail to Matakana Valley Road (1 hour). This 2.5km track descends gently through native bush to with stunning rural views through the trees.

Tiny walks for little legs

From ancient kauri trees to tidal pools and waterfalls, the Matakana Coast has plenty to intrigue little explorers. Pack a picnic and allow plenty of time to explore the rock pools, listen to bird calls or pick up sticks along the way.

Parry Kauri Park, Warkworth – 10 to 30 minutes

This accessible, easy set of boardwalks weaves amongst magnificent kauri trees – some up to 800 years old. Choose which sections you complete and spend 10 to 30 minutes enjoying the dense bush and vast kauri.  Take a look inside the Warkworth Museum with great displays for kids.

Parry Kauri Park Warkworth - walks for little people

Scotts Landing, Mahurangi East – 30 minutes

Historic Scott Homestead is a handsome backdrop for a low tide ramble out to Casnell Island – toddlers will love this. Spot sea creatures in the rock pools, see who can find the most glorious shells and savour the views of Mahurangi Harbour, before enjoying a picnic on the Homestead’s lawns.

Snells Beach waterfront, Mahurangi East

Head to Snells Beach waterfront for an easy, flat walk along the foreshore footpath. Kids can scoot their pedal-free bikes, paddle safely in the shallows or enjoy a kick about with a ball. There’s also a playground, a café at the northern end and plenty of shady trees for your picnic.

Highfield Garden Reserve, Mahurangi East – 15 minutes

A stunning sea-view property offering easy access pathways, beautiful views and friendly donkeys, this walk is bound to appeal families with little ones. Feed the donkeys and then follow the various paths with views of Kawau Bay.  The orchard has a variety of fruit trees with excess fruit being donated to the local retirement home or back to the community through the set-up free fruit and vegetable stand at the Mahurangi Library.

A side trail leading down through the bush to Algies Bay has numerous steps and is not suitable for pushchairs.  Access the Highfield Garden Reserve from the carpark on Mahurangi East Road, between Snells Beach and Algies Bay and is open to the public for them to visit the donkeys at any time.  Don’t forget to bring them some healthy treats like carrots silver beet and apples.

Dokeys at Highfield Garden Reserves


Adventurous hikes

Te Araroa Trail – Pakiri to Matakana Valley – 11km

This epic trail spans the length of New Zealand and you can chalk up a section of the world-famous trail by hiking the 11km section from Pakiri Beach to Matakana Valley Road inside a day. A good level of fitness and sturdy walking footwear is required; make sure you tell someone where and when you will be going.

From Pakiri Beach, follow the road for 3km into Pakiri village itself. Cross over Pakiri Road and head south on Bathgate Road, past the school. Just after the southern end of Bathgate Road, venture down a path that looks like a driveway, where you’ll find the Te Araroa sign. Follow the trail to the summit of Mt Tamahunga, then just beyond the summit, take the signposted trail to the west to reach Matakana Valley Road.

If you are keen, you can even press on from there, turning left when you reach Matakana Valley Road and then right into Govan Wilson Road. Several kilometres along this metal road you’ll find the sign post for the Dome Valley trail which, over 7 more hours, will take you to Puhoi.

Dome Valley Summit Track – 3km, 90 minutes one way

The Dome Valley summit trail begins at 496 State Highway 1. Although the trail begins gently, it soon becomes more rugged and requires a good level of fitness.

You’ll pass through podocarp and broadleaf native forest, climbing up a lot of steps to a lookout, for views of the Mahurangi peninsula. After taking in the scenery you’ll need to dig in for the next section of the track as it winds up to the summit.

Beyond the summit you can walk further to find signage for Waiwhiu Kauri Grove – it’s worth spending time in the small clearing to take in their majesty. You can retrace your steps back to SH1 or press on along the trail all the way to Govan Wilson Road above Matakana.

Puhoi Lookout Loop & Te Araroa trail – 40 minute loop; 2 hours 4.8km

At just 40 minutes (one way), this is a very small section of the Te Araroa trail. It’s a straightforward walk which climbs 100m above historic Puhoi Village. At the top you have a choice to continue on around the loop, or to return the way you came. You may prefer the gentler grade with the steps, or the more direct, steep route – the ground can be slippery when it’s wet weather, so you will need good walking footwear to descend this way.

For a longer section of the Te Araroa trail, drive past Puhoi village to park by Remiger Rd, and cross the swingbridge and join the Puhoi Track. The 4km track climbs through forest and native bush to the ridge, where you’ll enjoy beautiful valley views. The track connects with the Lookout Loop to return to Puhoi Domain, where you can pop into the pub or General Store for refreshments.