Beauty, Health & Wellness
Immerse yourself in luxurious surroundings at a serene day spa or completely relax in a rural yoga and pilates studio. On the Matakana Coast you can experience every variety of stretch class or therapy service. There are lots of perfect additions to your hens party activity list or treat yourself to a nourishing facial or a party ready pedicure.
If you are ready to get active and boost your training, take a look at the gyms and fitness centres in the region. Many offer casual classes or weekend memberships. The personal trainers and instructors can connect you to yoga and pilates studios and meditation classes. There’s no shortage of options to satisfy your health kick. We have men’s classes, vinyasa, hatha, yin yang, ashtanga and reformer. If that schedule has kept you busy all week, and you are searching for the ultimate relaxation, try a gong bath or a cacao ceremony in Matakana Village.
Beauty, Health & Wellness
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